Welcome to the  Mid-Shropshire Senior Citizens Crown Green Bowling League.
Sponsored by Peter Morris Cars Ltd

The league was established in the Telford area by Mr John Jones in 1976. Today, it consists of some 26 clubs which compete in teams of six in four divisions on Wednesday afternoons.

When launched in 2011, this web site provided a full results service based on the old PC based 'allbut' system managed by Fixture Secretary Frank Booth but this was replaced after three years by Mike Beckett's revolutionary online results system to which we now link.

The results service linked to from this site is provided by:

League News

Update from the BCGBA AGM & Rules Revision Meeting

The BCGBA AGM and Rules Revision Meeting was held yesterday (18th January), at Winnington Park, with the key outcomes being summarised below.

• The National Development Strategy was approved with an overwhelming majority. This will see the introduction of a £1 per player, per Club 'Annual Development Fee' being introduced. This money, which will be ringfenced, will go directly to expenditure highlighted within the BCGBA National Development Strategy, to support grassroots Clubs to grow and develop. The 'Annual Development Fee' will be for a minimum of 3 years, and will be reported on annually.

• Clarification within the Laws of the Sport that any bowl travelling over a footer must be returned.

• Introduction of a maximum weight of a bowl. This has been set at 3lb.

• Clarification within the Laws of the Sport that a disturbed bowl should be treated the same as a disturbed jack (as per existing law).

• Nicotine inhalers have been added to the list of devices that cannot be used on the green during play (unless there is a medical exemption).

• Clarification that players will not be allowed to play in bare or stocking feet.


2025 Annual General Meeting

The league AGM will be held on Thursday 13th February at Sinclair, 1.30pm start. The agenda for the meeting can be found here and the minutes of the 2024 meeting here.

Further to the notes from the league officers meeting (see below), applications have been received asking to enter new teams in the league from Albrighton and Squirrel.

Propositions for rule changes from the officers are:

The following rule changes have been proposed by Worfield:


2024 Severn Hospice Donation

League Treasurer John Satterthwaite recently presented a cheque for £600 to Severn Hospice, being the amount raised by this year's Charity Shield competition.

Many thanks to all teams for their contributions.


Possible Over 60's Winter League at Allscott Heath

In light of the success of their evening winter league played on the all weather green, Allscott Heath are looking to see if there's any interest in forming an over 60's league to be played in the afternoons, starting in the new year.

Anyone interested should contact Chris Yates on 01952 770394 or email: chris@ercallmill.co.uk


League Officers Meeting 16th October


Recording Match Results

Following a recent dispute over a match result, clubs are reminded of league Rule 13.
13. The home captain or representative to insert result of the match on the web site within 48 hours of match being played, all results cards must be checked by both captains as an agreed result and signed by both accordingly, any discrepancies arising from this result must be agreed and resolved at the end of the match.          

Result cards can be downloaded from the Downloads page.


Fixture Issues & Player Registration

Clubs are reminded that they should contact the league's fixture secretaries Nigel & Stephen Booth regarding issues with fixtures and player registration. Their contact details are on the Officers page.


Club Contact Details

Clubs are reminded to ensure that their contact details on the results system (login required) are up to date. As communications from the league are via email, please ensure that I am informed if your email address changes.
John Palmer League Secretary


BCGBA Code of Conduct

The BCGBA have released an updated discipline policy and code of conduct. You can read it here. All bowlers are urged to familiarise themselves with the content and also the laws of the game which you can find here with frequently asked questions answered here.


Dress Code Reminder

Players are reminded that dress code is required for all competition finals including the Individual Merit, Doubles and Charity Shield/Consolation.


Archiving News

News items will be moved to the current year in the News Archive when they're no longer relevant.

16 Aug 20

If you have any suggestions for improving this site or adding content, please either email midshropseniorbowls or fill in the Contact Form.