League Rules (Amended as Agreed at 2024 AGM)
1. The League shall be known as Mid-Shropshire Senior Citizens Bowling League. ( Sponsored by Peter Morris Cars Ltd).
2. The executive shall consist of one member from each team registered in the League.
3. Officers shall be President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary and Competition Secretary. County Rep and Welfare Officer to-be elected at the AGM.
4. A subcommittee of four shall be elected at the A.G.M to assist the management in dealing with disputes.
5. The formation and number of teams per division shall be decided at the AGM.
6. Annual Fees and Competition Fees shall be decided at the AGM.
7(a). All Clubs shall 14 days prior to the first fixture send the Fixture Secretary a list of all their registered bowlers complete with forename and BCGBA numbers. All registrations after this date must be sent to the Fixture Secretary 48 hours prior to the player taking part.
7(b). Transfer of player or players to another club in the League will not be allowed after the 30th June of that season and this being subject to there not being any reason to prevent this i.e. money owing to club or league, or any disciplinary reason. The player will also be cup tied if they have previously played in the competition.
8. Each team shall play all other teams in the same division, Home and Away Games 21 up when the Home team is unable to hold the first fixture for any reason,and it is reversed the remaining fixture will automatically be reversed also.
9(a). Teams shall consist of six bowlers who have reached the age of 60, are registered with the BCGBA and registered with the Fixture Secretary 48 hours prior to their first game.
9(b). Each Club with more than one team in the same division shall nominate a list of four players for each team who will only be allowed to play for that team during the season. Any deviation from this rule shall be at the discretion of the Fixture Secretary. Registration of these nominated players must be given to the Fixture Secretary at least 7 days before commence of season.
9(c). No regular player may play down more than one team.
9(d). No player may practice on an opponent's green on the day of the match.
9(e). Any player breaching rule 9(d) will lose their match 21-0.
10. One point will be awarded for each individual win and two points for the highest aggregate, one point to each team if aggregates are even, highest number of points will be declared Divisional Winners if points are even, highest aggregate shall decide.
11. League games to commence at 1.30 pm, (discretion can be used to commence earlier if agreed by both clubs). Where a club has teams that share a green (all matches at Bridgnorth & some at Madeley in 2024), games should commence at 1pm.
12. No player may play for two different teams within 7 days. the only exception is in previously cancelled matches which have been rearranged and players from the clubs lower division can be selected if needed.
13. The home captain or representative to insert result of the match on the web site within 48 hours of match being played, all results cards must be checked by both captains as an agreed result and signed by both accordingly, any discrepancies arising from this result must be agreed and resolved at the end of the match.
14. All matches must be played on or before scheduled date if due to (1) inclement weather (2) Bereavement within the club (3) green or players involved in National or County competitions any game not started or completed the home side will provide 3 dates for the fixture to be played within 21 days. Failure to do so, the subcommittee will give a date for the fixture to be played and this decision will be final.
15(a). Any Club postponing a fixture for any other reason not covered in rule 14 shall have 4 points deducted from their accrued total and must be played within 14 days, or will be given a date by the sub-committee and this decision will be final.
15(b). Any Team not turning up for League or Cup Fixtures without prior notification will be fined £20.00.
16. The following Officers of the League shall be remunerated for their work during the season. This will be subject to approval at the AGM. Officers, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary , Competition Secretary and County Rep.
17. Any club has a right to appeal to any decision made by the Management Committee or subcommittee of the league and should do so in writing to the league secretary within seven days from the date of the decision being made.
17(a). Any Communication by phone or letter relating to any query or dispute will only be received by the League from the Club Secretary of that team.
18. All propositions for the AGM in (January) must be notified to the league secretary 21 days prior to the General Meeting in (November).
19(a). That Senior Citizens Sections (within their Club ) hold their AGM before the League hold their AGM.
19(b). The League AGM shall start at 1.30pm.
19(c). All trophies to be returned for engraving at the AGM in January, All winning clubs and runners up to pay a nominal charge of £5.00 per Trophy to cover the cost of engraving.
20(a). Other matters not covered in these rules shall be dealt with by the Committee The Committee is the sole interpreter of these Rules.
20(b). Bad language and Disruptive Behaviour will not be tolerated by this League any Club or individual will be dealt with accordingly by the Management Committee for any infringement of this rule.
21. Abuse or Intimidation of League Officers will not be tolerated, anyone found guilty of such action will be investigated by the League which could result in a fine or suspension for both Club and player.
22. The Duration of the Office of the President to be a period of three Years.
23. Code of Conduct. All players and Clubs have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a respectful and gentlemanly manner at all times during matches and also whilst supporting their colleagues during the game. Any abuse will not be tolerated and should this arise will be dealt with by the Committee in a strong and forceful manner. The BCGBA code of conduct can be read here.
24. Club subscriptions must be paid by November 30th. Failure to do so will result in a £25 fine.